Earn HUGE Lifetime Passive Income and Shares by Just Referring Agloco To Your Friends and Share The Wealth of Internet–it’s 100% FREE!

“You might already know that almost everything you do on the Internet makes money for someone else. And that’s not just when you spend money. Just about every time you view an ad, click an ad, search, buy something, download something, join a community, or post a story, picture, or video, some person or some company is making a fee, commission, and/or sale from your activity.
”Have you asked yourself what are you awaiting from future? Are you dreaming about having more money, more security, and more freedom? You are, but you don't now how to get it. Then AGLOCO is perfect for you and it’s FREE!
AGLOCO is going to create history and BE A BIG SUCESS and we want YOU to be part of it!
AGLOCO is the first Internet based economic network, which enables you as a Member to get your share of the internet. The company was created by the same founders of AllAdvantage, an online company which paid out more then 120 million in online advertising revenue to its members. The company has managed to stir up quiet a buzz and is being recognized by a lot of key players, Bill said that search engines like Google Inc. get their revenues from advertising because people use these search engines.
"Google’s business model is not based on free software; their business model is based on advertisements from which they make a lot of money. But they don’t share these advertising revenues with the end users who help them get the revenue".
He went onto say “Google keeps all of the money for itself and a company like Agloco could very well revolutionize the way advertising is handled over the internet".
Agloco's goal is to reach 10 million members by July 2007 and is set to go public on the London stock exchange shortly after. Once the company goes public their members will be able to see how much their shares will be worth, this is very important because the company will be paying their members not only in cash but in company shares as well. There are several way's in which
Agloco will be making money online and there are several way's in which the member's will be able to take their share of that money, because the company is not going to be paying everyone equally, we as members or future members need to understand how they are going to be making money and how we are each going to be taking our share.
1) AGLOCO is going to VERY BIG and SUCCESSFUL –they will own the Internet.
2) AGLOCO wants members worldwide to build community networks and share the wealth of the Internet.
3) AGLOCO members will own 100% of the company before it goes public.
The plan was to list AGLOCO in London Stock Exchange when its population hits 10 million, – initial valuation of AGLOCO based on valuation companies of similar business like Skype, MySpace, YouTube etc between $600 million to *1.8 billion before listing. In this business, the more the member population the more valuable the company becomes..and so will AGLOCO!
To be a member is free and what each member needs to do is to use AGLOCO Viewbar for just 5 hours a month. – you’ll get an email authorizing you to download- It’s very easy!
Apart from the shares, AGLOCO will pay you for your effort plus your group effort too, monthly. Members are required to build networks by referring friends and family to participate. AGLOCO is not only targeting US market, but Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Euro and everywhere.(this is what they means of owning the Internet)
Your timing to be a member NOW is perfect as thousands has sign-up as early as December 2006 and has been waiting patiently for it to start!
Build your network!
You have your AGLOCO referral link now. Let your friends and family know about it and sign them up!Do just like what you did when you 1st become a member of Friendster or MySpace. let all you contacts know about it and get them sign-up with you!Call. SMS and email your referral link and ID to your friends- they will sign-up-it’s 100% free!
Chat online with your friends and at the same time, let them know about AGLOCO and sent them your Referral ID too.Set-up your own blog with own sign-up page plus your own referral ID-that’s the best in promoting Agloco.
You Earn More Money Referring Your Friends Into Your Network!..or else you just earn the money for 5 hours monthly.
Whereas if you have 100 people in your network, how much will you get?
Can you imagine the figure?
So that's why you need (MUST!) refer your friends into your network!
You may easily sign-up 50 to 75 members and they will then sign-up their friends and so on. This will create a network in no time…your network…your community…. AND you will earn BIG! Tell Your Friends Now, And Get them into Your Network!
Members gets huge rewards by referring and need to keep on referring till AGLOCO hits 10 million and goes public after that!
The Top Guns have 12,000 20,000….30,000 referrals…others with hundreds…
Can you imagine how fast these networks will grow once people realize that AGLOCO really works. They will grow 10X in months .
Why would I want a couple of dollars a month for the next two months when the more time I have now the more time I have to build my network, before the fund. That is what being a founder is all about. You build before you get paid – but when you get paid, it is very big.
This is a true founder’s position – AND - I do not have to put up any money to participate. So please , let me build out my network first, then start the frenzy.
Sign-Up for AGLOCO NOW!