Monday, April 2, 2007

Everything You Need To Know On AGLOCO

AGLOCO is the first Internet based economic network, which enables you as a Member to Get your share of the Internet. Advertisers are spending billions just to reach to you.. It is the vision of AGLOCO to see that you get a fair share of the revenue made.

Semua ahli Agloco dikehendaki menjalankan perisian Viewbar dikomputer selama 5 jam sebulan. VIEWBAR ini mungkin dibenarkan dimuat turun pada pertengahan May 2007 Tarikh muat turun Viewbar ini bersamaan dengna Pelancaran Agloco. Semua ahli yang melakukan perkara tersebut akan menerima bayaran berserta dengan insentif kepada mereka yang telah berusaha membina jaringan ahli. Mereka yang telah membina jaringan akan mendapat insentif keatas setiap ahli didalam jaringan nya. Jaringan ahli diberi sehingga 5 paras kebawah bermaksud sekiranya anda punyai 30 ahli aktif diparas pertama, ianya boleh berkembang ke 900 dan sehingga 100,000 diparas ke lima (setiap ahli dijaringan berusaha). Berdasarkan 100% kejayaan! Tiada had ditetapkan untuk semua ahli membina jaringan nya.

Latest News on VIEWBAR (May 2007)
As stated earlier, it looks much like Viewbar on the website, though slightly smaller (it is the same size as the windows task bar). I have mine docked on the bottom but it can also be moved to be at the top of the screen. I also tried the four color choices, and I like the default blue.There are currently 7 search engines in the search field (I already use this to do all my searching as it is the most convenient way to search from my desktop). It has my favorite links as well as tools (calculator and calendar). I was told these tools are just there to show Members that the Viewbar will be a source of functionality (they will get more handy as improvements are made to the Viewbar). I sometimes use the favorite links menu, generally when I do not already have a browser up on my screen. Since the release of this to Members is the most important topic at AGLOCO right now, here is the update on that:All the final Viewbar ‘fixes’ are being implemented today and will be tested all through tomorrow. If they work correctly we should be able to move the download process to the AGLOCO site and your account page. If not, we’re going to fix whatever issues remain as quickly as possible - we won’t release a product that doesn’t work. I will give an update on this again tomorrow.Also, we are aware of the website not always being available on a worldwide basis. We have been preparing to integrate the Viewbar download with the AGLOCO website. This has caused a balancing problem which our Savvis engineers have been working on for the last two weeks. Again, your overall patience on the Viewbar release is appreciated. I’ll continue to keep you posted as I hear updates from our Shanghai tech team.

Membership is free for members from all countries.

• AGLOCO pays you to surf the web by having the Viewbar open.

• Every 5 members you recruit to AGLOCO, your income doubles.

• 100% of the company is member-owned.

• Members also get shares of the company which can be traded once AGLOCO goes public [to be listed at London Stock Exchange (AIM)]

• Cheques are sent via mail, monthly.(other mode of payment will be informed later)

• The faster you join AGLOCO and start creating your downline, the faster your network grows and the more you earn.

AGLOCO™ pays you an hourly rate when the friends and family you ruit (called “direct referrals”) use the web with the Viewbar™ running, as l as for people your referrals recruit (called “extended referrals”). Extended referrals continue for four levels past your original referral, and there is no limit to the number of referrals you can accumulate.

For every five more sign-ups you get, your income will double. So using our example, let's say you got twenty total sign-ups. Going from five referrals to ten means doubling that five dollars to ten bucks. Okay, now let's add five more. So 15 total sign-ups means we double the ten bucks to twenty dollars. Not too bad. Let's move on to 20 total sign-ups. We double our AGLOCO income (again) to a total of 40 dollars. Every five referrals means that you double your income. SHARES and CASH For every referral member that surfs five hours each month you will receive 1.25 shares.

AGLOCO has been the latest buzz all around the Internet with about 3 millions web pages talking about AGLOCO in just a span of 6 months and believe me this number is increasing exponentially. Well, as I have told your earlier in my posts that AGLOCO is a place where they pay you to surf net. They are not giving money away for free they are implementing a great idea that has been tested before and had paid millions of Internet users. So, many of us would love if they could study their business plan and determine what AGLOCO’s share holders can aim for in the near future. This has been done for you and all thanks to Simon for doing such a great analysis of AGLOCO.

Here is the summary of his analysis. Hope you find it interesting. This report is based on the assumption that Agloco reaches 2 million users in a two year time span.

1. A user with no referrals under his belt should receive an ownership of about $150 in AGLOCO in addition to monthly cash distribution done by AGLOCO.

2. Every referral under your belt will make you $30 on average plus the referrer share of the monthly cash distribution.

3. Each direct referral made by you shall fetch you around $3,000 each.

4. Average monthly cash distribution will be around $5 for the persons with no referrals and $ 15 for an average user.

5. The business model of AGLOCO is theoretically sound. They should reach 500,000 members within 9 months.

AGLOCO will be paying to its members soon as it is going to be launched very soon. But what are the ways in which members can earn from AGLOCO is an important question. Here is the answer for it:-

AGLOCO members can earn from AGLOCO in four simple ways. They are as follows:
Members earn a monthly share for the use of AGLOCO viewbar on their computer. However the maximum hours that are eligible for this is 5 hours for a month currently, but can be revised in the near future.

Members can earn more by making referrals to AGLOCO as if AGLOCO grows members will be benefit by it. If anyone purchases something from AGLOCO then it comes back to him as AGLOCO earns commissions from purchases through AGLOCO and hence a part of the money return to its members. You can also earn by searching or downloading a software through AGLOCO as it will get certain commission from each download. So isn’t that was simple, so what are you waiting for.

How will AGLOCO make money? AGLOCO will make money from the following ways:

Search: Every internet user is familiar with searching on Google, Yahoo etc. but we get nothing from them as we are those who have made these sites so popular. AGLOCO will earn from searches that will be done through the AGLOCO’s viewbar. FOr example: Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.

Advertising: Viewbar’s main advantage over other search toolbar is that you get paid for surfing over internet. Well, viewbar will occupy a small area of your browser screen and help you and AGLOCO earn more. It will show ads on it and when someone clicks on it, AGLOCO will be paid for it and thereafter its members will also earn

Transaction Commission: AGLOCO will earn a commission if you purchase anything from sites referred by AGLOCO and hence its member will receive a part of the purchases they have done back.

Software Distribution: There are numerous software companies that will pay AGLOCO for any downloads of their software.

Service Distribution: Many companies pays a small amount of money to the those who help them in recruiting more members to their site.

Product Distribution: If you use a product like credit cards that are given through AGlOCO, it will be paid for it.

Sign-up's FREE- click here!

Sign-up with a REFERRAL ID here!

Kita Ulangi Kembali.

Anda telah memahami, Visi Agloco ialah untuk menukar minda keusahawanan di Internet, pengguna dapat turut serta dan membantu membina sesebuah syarikat dan memperolehi saham syarikat apabila wujudnya nilai syarikat itu. Tawaran pengunaan percuma yang dipraktikkan oleh kebanyakkan syarikat seperti Yahoo, MySpace, YouTube dan lain-lain tidak mendatangkan keuntungan dari segi kewangan kepada pengguna.

Anda telah memahami, AGLOCO 100% PERCUMA- tiada pembayaran menjadi ahli dan tida bayaran-bayaran yang terselindung. Anda TIDAK akan diminta untuk membayar sampai bila-bila pun untuk menjadi ahli. Anda harus berumur sekurang-kurangnya 18 tahun untuk menjadi ahli .

Anda telah memahami, AGLOCO akan menempah sejarah dengan konsepnya berkongsi keuntungan kekayaan yang diperolehi di Internet. (terutamanya pendapatan dari pengiklanan) Agloco akan akhirnya menguasai ekonomi Internet apabila jumlah ahlinya mencecah 100 juta dipenghujung tahun 2008.

Anda telah memahami, AGLOCO bercadang memperniagakan saham-saham yang dimiliki oleh ahli di Bursa Saham London apabila jumlah ahlinya mencecah 10 juta dibulan Julai 2007. (tunda ke Disember2007?) Sejumlah 90% saham Agloco dimiliki oleh ahli dan baki 10% dimiliki oleh pentadbiran Agloco..

Anda telah memahami, Kepada mereka yang telah menjadi ahli sebelum Viewbar dilancarkan digelar Pengusaha atau Perintis dan kepada Pengusaha/Perintis yang telah berusaha untuk membina jaringan ahli akan memperolehi saham yang lebih dan akan meraih keuntungan yang besar apabila saham ini diniagakan kelak. Mereka yang menjadi ahli selepas itu masih boleh memperolehi saham dengan membina jaringan sehingga bulan Disember 2007. (untuk mendapat pendapatan bulanan tiada tempoh masa yang ditetapkan)

Anda telah memahami, Apa gunanya anda bergelar Pengusaha/Perintis sekiranya anda tidak membina jaringan ahli . Semestinya ahli biasa yang berusaha akan pasti mendapat perolehan saham dan pendapatan yang tinggi manakala Pengusaha tanpa jaringan ketinggalan!

Anda telah memahami, Semua ahli Agloco dikehendaki menjalankan perisian Viewbar dikomputer selama 5 jam sebulan. VIEWBAR ini mungkin dibenarkan dimuat turun pada pertengahan May 2007. Tarikh muat turun Viewbar ini bersamaan dengna Pelancaran Agloco. Semua ahli yang melakukan perkara tersebut akan menerima bayaran berserta dengan insentif kepada mereka yang telah berusaha membina jaringan ahli. Mereka yang telah membina jaringan akan mendapat insentif keatas setiap ahli didalam jaringan nya. Jaringan ahli diberi sehingga 5 paras kebawah bermaksud sekiranya anda punyai 30 ahli aktif diparas pertama, ianya boleh berkembang ke 900 dan sehingga 100,000 diparas ke lima (setiap ahli dijaringan berusaha). Berdasarkan 100% kejayaan! Tiada had ditetapkan untuk semua ahli membina jaringan nya.

Anda telah memahami, Merujuk kepada Simmons Report, semua ahli yang menjalankan Viewbar akan menerima,:-# Ahli tanpa jaringan akan menerima $150 nilai saham Agloco tidak termasuk pendapatan bulanan.# Nilai saham Agloco seorang ahli didalam jaringan yang anda bina adalah purata $30 seorang dan ini tidak termasuk insentif pendapatan bulanan(tunai) setiap ahli yang anda terima setiap bulan.# Nilai seorang ahli didalam jaringan anda yang boleh membina jaringan ahlinya sendiri menilai lebih $3,000 untuk diri anda.# Nilai pendapatan bulanan (tunai) ahli adalah diantara $5 ke $15 sebulan tidak termasuk perkara diatas.

Anda telah memahami, AGLOCO memberi ganjaran besar dan insentif kepada ahli yang berusaha membina jaringan. Contohnya..setiap ahli dijaringan anda bersamaan dengan dua kali ganda pendapatan dari ahli tanpa jaringan dan 25 ahli dijaringan anda bererti 5 kali ganda dari ahli tanpa jaringan dan seterusnya. Lebih besar jaringan yang anda usaha lebih tinggi pendapatan anda.

Anda telah mengetahui juga, Kurang dari 5 % ahli Agloco yang layak menerima pendapatan dibulan pertama. Sejumlah 95% lagi tidak layak kerana tidak mencukupi had pembayaran minima bulanan (harus dikumpul dua hingga tiga bulan) Kebanyakkan ahli ini terdiri daripada mereka yang tidak membina jaringan.

Anda telah juga mengetahui, Mengikut statistik, 80% ahli AGLOCO tidak akan membina jaringan. Dan daripada baki 20% , kebanyakkan mereka tidak serius membina jaringan, sekadar punyai beberapa ahli dijaringan mereka. Hanya peratusan kecil yang benar-benar berusaha membina jaringan…mengapa? Mungkin jawapan mereka….tiada siap yang memberi tunjuk ajar atau tidak tahu apa hasil yang mereka kerjai!

Anda telah juga mengetahui, Sekiranya anda punyai $10,000 nilai saham terbitan Yahoo ditahun 1996, selepas tiga tahun, nilai nya meningkat menjadi $1.3 juta..Iya… hanya dalam masa 3 tahun! Sekiranya anda tahu dimasa itu pasti anda telah membuat pelaburan.
Sekiranya anda punyai $17,000 nilai saham GOOGLE ditahun 2004, selepas dua tahun, nilainya meningkat menjadi $110,000. Iya..hanya dalam masa 2 tahun, Sekiranya anda tahu dimasa itu pasti anda telah membuat pelaburan yang lebih tinggi.

Sekiranya anda punyai 1,000 saham atau $27,000 nilai saham terbitan ditahun 2005, dihari pertama dan selepas beberapa jam sahaja diniagakan diWall Street, harganya melonjak 354% atau menambah $95,bererti nilai saham anda menjadi $122,000 ! Sekiranya anda tahu dimasa itu pasti anda telah membuat pelaburan yang lebih tinggi.

Sekiranya anda tahu GOOGLE akan membeli YouTube dengan harga $1.7 billion ditahun 2006, pasti anda yang mempunyai ijazah sanggup menjadi pembantu pejabat diYouTube!Mengapa? Kerana semua kakitangan YouTube menjadi Jutawaan $$$ dan syarikat ini tidak sampai 2 tahun ditubuhkan!

Sekarang ini anda telah mengetahui betapa mudahnya anda menjadi jutawan dengan pemilikan saham Agloco (tidak perlu bayar hanya usaha) -mengapa tidak anda mengambil kesempatan ini?There is no limit as to the number of referrals a user can recruit, the upper end on this opportunity could be high (which means it is worth putting in the effort to promote actively).

Tambahkan USAHA ANDA....Jadilah Ahli Agloco yang SUKSES....Sambutlah Kemerdekaan DIRI ANDA dengan KEJAYAAN GEMILANG!